Darkroom One-to-One

If you’re new to the darkroom and curious about the possibilities or excited to refine some old skills, we are happy to offer one-to-one tuition for non-members, during our open access times. On Mondays and Fridays our technician, Emily Ryalls, will be happy to give you a focused learning experience in our processing room or darkroom for £30 per hour.

The bookable slot can be tailored to the individual’s desired outcome and would make a fantastic gift to any creative friend or family member.

Emily can run this session as an introduction into film processing or darkroom printing, but is also experienced and knowledgable in cameraless photography techniques (including photogram, chemigram and lumen print), advanced printing and dry plate process.


  • £30 p/hr (including chemistry usage but not including paper and negative sleeves etc… )
  • Monday 10:00–14:00 & Friday 10:00 – 14:00
  • Sessions are either 1 or 2 hours

Become a Darkroom Member

Enjoy a whole host of benefits, including access to our darkroom in the heart of Wakefield for just £120 annually and £60 for students

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