Diane Saxon – Arts and Health Programme Manager

About me

I set my sights on a career in culture from a young age, from an early museum visit that showed me the powerful stories objects tell.  I have gone on from there, never losing my delight when I see a work of art or historic object create a spark in someone. I put my all in to finding ways to engage different people in ways that work for them. Outside of work I’m a mum of two (and a little dog), a Cub leader, play tennis, do a bit of running and am part of a local women’s football team among other things!

Why TAH?

I’ve been volunteering and working in the culture sector now for over 20 years developing schools, family and community programmes. During the Covid 19 pandemic I worked with a variety of vulnerable people in homeless services.  This was a very different role but it showed me the need for creativity for health and wellbeing, alongside housing and other support services, and enhanced my commitment to improving accessibility to create arts and cultural spaces that truly are for everyone.

The Art House encompasses this – from the first time I walked through the door as a visitor it felt warm, cosy and welcoming.  This role leapt out at me as the perfect way to combine my experience with vulnerable people and my passion for the arts.