Emily Ryalls – Darkroom Project Coordinator

About me

I’m a photographer and arts programmer who studied photography in Nottingham and Lisbon before the pull of my home, Wakefield, brought me back to Yorkshire. I’m a lover of analogue photography, music, photobooks and antiques – I love anything with a story. I’m also a founding member of The Merrie Collective, a Wakefield based arts collective made up of young local creatives.

Why TAH?

The Art House has been a big part of my life in Wakefield, it’s how I came to rent my first studio (on a stretched-out student loan) and how I came to meet many of Wakefield’s wonderful creative minds. Upon moving back as a graduate, The Art House fully supported and helped to address that (oh so horrid) transitional period, providing mentorship, opportunity, resources and a general open-door policy. From this support, The Merrie Collective, and the individuals within it, continue to grow and thrive. Wakefield is constantly evolving and full of surprises, so it’s a total pleasure to be part of an organisation who plays such an instrumental role in that evolution.