Sophie Amelia – Digital Communications Coordinator

About me

I’m a Printmaker and Surface Pattern Designer who studied textile design in Leeds before deciding to settle in Wakefield. I have my own creative practice as a freelancer in the textile field and work predominately with screen printing. My hobbies and passions all tend to revolve around my work, I’m a creative through and through!

Why the TAH 

As a neurodivergent person The Art House’s work towards access and inclusion in the arts is something I really resonated with and that is what initially drew me towards the organisation. Then from spending time at The Art House and becoming part of its community what I have found that I love the most is the people. From the visitors to members of staff and studio holders, I have never met a group of such accepting and kind creatives who are always happy to have a chat and take genuine interest in everyone’s practices. The Art House feels like home to me and I am so proud to be a part of the work we do here.