Bhavani Esapathi is a writer, maker & social-tech activist working between the intersections of digital technology, healthcare & migratory politics, and is currently the President for British Science Association’s ‘Science & Arts’ section. Previously she has sat on Boards of DASH Arts, DLNet and as Elected Councillor at the Royal Society for Arts [RSA] representing the region of London for two consecutive years. Her social initiative ‘The Invisible Labs’ won the WIRED Magazine’s ‘Creative Hack Award’ for the ‘innovative idea’ category in Tokyo, Japan.
Some of the organisations who have supported her work include The British Council, The British Museum, The Victoria & Albert Museum, London Design Festival, Athens Digital Arts Festival, Innovate UK etc. Currently, she is the recipient of Arts Council England’s DYCP Award and Artist-in-Residence at award-winning design studio Invisible Flock as part of Cost of Innovation programme.