Tony Wade: Landmarks

29 March 2023 17:00 - 29 March 2023 21:00

This exhibition is open during March Artwalk, Wakefield’s iconic bi-monthly evening of culture. There is also an opportunity to attend an artist-led talk where Wade will guide you through the exhibition. You will then have an opportunity to create your own explorations of the district. This takes place on Saturday 25 March with two bookable slots – 10:00–12:00 and 13:00–15:00. Places are limited and can be booked by contacting Tony at

Landmarks is a research and development project investigating how the physical nature of the Wakefield District (its size, area, shape, content – above and below ground) can inspire creative responses.

This exhibition aims to explore several questions about the Wakefield District including –

  • Where are the highest and lowest points of landscape and what can you see from there?
  • Is there a middle point of the district and where is it?
  • How many collieries were there, and where were they?
  • What exactly is a Solitary Tree?
  • Can the physical appearance of the landscape be used to generate music?

(Tony has worked with sound composer Duncan Chapman to explore ways of using sonification to generate musical interpretations from data obtained through explorations across landscapes.)

This exhibition features drawings, paintings, hand drawn maps, and sound, as well as the opportunity to explore the Wakefield District from the comfort of the exhibition space.

Also featured in this exhibition is a montage of 438 separate photographs, taking from a single viewpoint, creating a panoramic view from Horbury to Crigglestone and taking in Wakefield City with  glimpses of Pontefract and beyond.

This activity was funded with a Culture Grant by Wakefield Council.